You might have heard Geraldton is getting a Do-Over..!
Well the City Centre is - Friday 11 and Saturday 12 April 2025 (or before if need be) is when we are converging on the CBD to make it all happen.
Want to join in? Register and let us know when you can help and what you'd like to be part of! You can even add your own ideas in for actioning too!
We are working with Town Teams Movement, RAC and CGG on revitalising Geraldton’s city centre over one weekend with an army of volunteers, a truck load of materials and a bucket of money.
You can find out what a Do-Over is online here, see the current happenings and plans for the Do-Over in our (Do-)Over-View online here. And you can see what the Do-Over is on socials, here.
Following the *Inception*, the community determine that are 4 main areas of focus for the Do-Over; which we have turned into projects PLUS some added bonus *Quick Wins* for extra impact.
Find out more about each Project:
Quick Wins
Lot 601 carpark fence, re-stabilise fence posts, re-secure scrim along the fence, add some sort of art/beautification.
Shade woven into Ghost Office & vines to create more of a canopy
Washing all the vacant shop windows along Marine Terrace & Chapman Road