Art & Beautification
Beautification, just like art, can be simple or it can be bold. We want to simply wash some windows, and boldly paint some walls. Want to join in? Let us know when you can help and what you'd like to be part of! You can even add your own ideas in for actioning too!
We are calling out to local artists because we have a list of places in the City Centre that the community would love to see adorned with public art, either as a mural, a Little Finds or something else if you’re feeling extra creative! The only brief is “Geraldton” or if you need a bit more - then hyper-localism is the vibe we are after.
ARTISTS: if you're interested and available, then let us know how much it would cost to have it done before (or ideally during) the Do-Over (11 & 12 April).
Please let us know what you’d like to do, where you’d like to do it, and a price by 21 March so we can make sure it all fits into our budget. (Please make sure your price includes all paint and equipment / materials you will need in your price).
We are open to suggestions, for other spots as well, we just need to get permission from building owners etc before we can go ahead.
OWNERS / LANDLORDS: if you have a space that you would like beautified, please get in touch and we will find an artist to suit your space!
And we are going to Do-Over the Telstra Pole.. 😁